
TV Spored medijske hiše Delo


Vse o psih: posebne epizode: Najboljši popotniški tovariši

Dogs 101: Specials: Best Traveling Companions

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Na sporedu
Animal Planet
Nedelja, 22. 9. 2024
02:15 - 03:00
Dokumentarni program • Ostalo
45 min
Združene države Amerike, 2009, S 4, E 3
8 /10
Brez ocene
Režija: Kevin Draine, Karen Halligan, Andrea Arden, Zak George, Nicholas Dodman, Joey Villani, Cherise Clement, Tyson Kilmer, Atka the Amazing Eskie, Mercedes Bedke, Dara Foster, Phyllis Bedke, Janet Batts, Troy Kerstetter, Harley Sanders, Dane Andrew, John Batts, Jonathan David, Ken Batts, Rascal The World's Ugliest Dog, Kathy Esposito, Bill Farrington, Rose McGowan, Jo Acton, Veronnica Borgen, Lyrical, Nichole Schwalbach, Liz Schillinger, Dawn Goehring, Iva Kelly, Alexsandria Yellow Horse, Jack Schillinger, Kristi Contes, Darlene Damm, Daniel J. Kelly, Mary Reed, Kurt Merg, Amy Shojai, Luke, Becky Stanford, Laura Say, Joe Baldassare, Micheal Brouse, Tim, François D'Orsaz, Bill Bartek, Brent Farris, Sue Lewis, Kevin Young, Nancy Guttenberg, Brian Sobel, Lynne Spiegel Spillman, George Kramer, Lisa Pollock, Jon Provost, Robin Edwards, Heather Peoples, Tom Tracy Jr., Bill Fowle, Lydon, Ray Rinker, Tom Ryan, Maureen Carroll, Brad Anderson, Catherine Caldwell-Harris, Carol Egstad, Miles Egstad, Sofia Fournier, Perez Hilton, Ted Kennedy, Barack Obama, Terra Reilly, Xavier Santiago, David Small, Karen Biehl, Eli the Chihuahua, Steven Ritt
Kevin Draine
Karen Halligan
Andrea Arden
Zak George
Nicholas Dodman
In še: Joey Villani, Cherise Clement, Tyson Kilmer, Atka the Amazing Eskie, Mercedes Bedke
Prikaži več
Oddaja je enciklopedija o pasjih pasmah in prinaša zanimivosti ter osupljiva dejstva o človekovem najboljšem prijatelju.

Spoznajte pse pasem coton de tulear, pirenejski planinski pes, angleški seter, mops in ameriški eskimski špic in si poglejte, kateri je najboljši popotniški tovariš.

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