TV Spored medijske hiše Delo

Prerijski psi: Nov šerif v mestu

Prairie Dog Manor: New Sheriff In Town

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Na sporedu
National Geographic Wild
Torek, 8. 10. 2024
05:15 - 05:35
Dokumentarni program • Naravoslovje
20 min
Združene države Amerike, 2018, S 1, E 3
8 /10
Brez ocene
Kevin Conway
Scarlett the Prairie Dog
Gnash the Prairie Dog
Furgie the Prairie Dog
June the Prairie Dog
In še: Auntie May the Prairie Dog, Ruby the Prairie Dog, Dizzy the Prairie Dog
Furgie se je svoje naloge lotil malce preresno in izzval tatu - čeprav je pri tem vznemiril nosečo ženo June.
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